Girish Patil (Gnostice)
18 years ago
Gnostice Print2eDoc Application + Royalty-Free SDK v1.0 Released
Gnostice Information Technologies is pleased to announce the immediate
availability of version 1.0 of Gnostice Print2eDoc Application and Gnostice
Print2eDoc SDK. With Print2eDoc, you can create electronic versions of printable
documents from virtually any Windows application. With the SDK, you can also
easily enable your existing applications to create electronic versions of
printable documents and control the whole process just by adding a few lines of
code - no modification of existing code required.
For screen shots, please follow these links:
Print2eDoc Application:
Print2eDoc SDK:
C# .NET:
Print2eDoc Editions
Gnostice Print2eDoc is available in two editions: Professional edition for just
$29, which includes extensive options for customization of output, a
Preview-Designer where you can edit and add elements that will appear in the
PDF output, and much much more - you can even cleverly use the Preview-Designer
to design PDFs! And FREE edition, the most FEATURE-RICH TOTALLY FREE software
for electronic document generation.
Download Trial:
Print2eDoc SDK
Print2eDoc SDK includes a Royalty-Free license of Print2eDoc Application
(Driver) that enables you to distribute your complete working applications built
using Print2eDoc SDK, without additional fee per deployment. Print2eDoc SDK also
includes a Deployment Kit, which can be invoked to run silently from your
application's Setup program, for painless deployment and seamless integration
with your applications. Pricing for Print2eDoc Royalty-Free SDK starts at $499.
Download Trial:
What is Print2eDoc Application?
Gnostice Print2eDoc Application is a software printer based electronic document
creation tool that enables any Windows application, that can already print to an
installed printer, to generate PDF, TIFF, PNG, JPEG and several other formats of
the same printable content. If you need to generate an electronic version of a
printable document, you simply need to choose the Print function on the
application, select Gnostice Print2eDoc as the device to print to, in the Print
setup dialog, and fire the print. Print2eDoc would then take over to generate
the desired output. Print2eDoc also includes special facilities and options for
generating electronic documents from Microsoft Office applications, with support
for exporting table of contents, bookmarks, comments, spreadsheet layout,
presentation outlines and several other elements of the Office document.
For the feature matrix, please see:
What is Print2eDoc SDK?
Gnostice Print2eDoc SDK is a programming interface that enables developers to
programmatically control Gnostice Print2eDoc Application to perform all the
tasks related to creation of electronic documents through it. Print2eDoc SDK
provides options to make Print2eDoc Application run in silent mode, set and
manage Document Creation Profiles, control the Microsoft Office Add-ins and to
do virtually all of what can be achieved through the graphical end-user
The SDK includes a Deployment Kit, for painless and silent deployment of the
necessary files to the target system, and a Profiles Configuration utility, for
customization of deployments.
For the feature matrix, please see:
Gnostice Print2eDoc SDK is part of the Annual Subscriptions. For more
information on the Annual Subscriptions, please visit:
The Gnostice Team
Gnostice Information Technologies
Gnostice Information Technologies is pleased to announce the immediate
availability of version 1.0 of Gnostice Print2eDoc Application and Gnostice
Print2eDoc SDK. With Print2eDoc, you can create electronic versions of printable
documents from virtually any Windows application. With the SDK, you can also
easily enable your existing applications to create electronic versions of
printable documents and control the whole process just by adding a few lines of
code - no modification of existing code required.
For screen shots, please follow these links:
Print2eDoc Application:
Print2eDoc SDK:
C# .NET:
Print2eDoc Editions
Gnostice Print2eDoc is available in two editions: Professional edition for just
$29, which includes extensive options for customization of output, a
Preview-Designer where you can edit and add elements that will appear in the
PDF output, and much much more - you can even cleverly use the Preview-Designer
to design PDFs! And FREE edition, the most FEATURE-RICH TOTALLY FREE software
for electronic document generation.
Download Trial:
Print2eDoc SDK
Print2eDoc SDK includes a Royalty-Free license of Print2eDoc Application
(Driver) that enables you to distribute your complete working applications built
using Print2eDoc SDK, without additional fee per deployment. Print2eDoc SDK also
includes a Deployment Kit, which can be invoked to run silently from your
application's Setup program, for painless deployment and seamless integration
with your applications. Pricing for Print2eDoc Royalty-Free SDK starts at $499.
Download Trial:
What is Print2eDoc Application?
Gnostice Print2eDoc Application is a software printer based electronic document
creation tool that enables any Windows application, that can already print to an
installed printer, to generate PDF, TIFF, PNG, JPEG and several other formats of
the same printable content. If you need to generate an electronic version of a
printable document, you simply need to choose the Print function on the
application, select Gnostice Print2eDoc as the device to print to, in the Print
setup dialog, and fire the print. Print2eDoc would then take over to generate
the desired output. Print2eDoc also includes special facilities and options for
generating electronic documents from Microsoft Office applications, with support
for exporting table of contents, bookmarks, comments, spreadsheet layout,
presentation outlines and several other elements of the Office document.
For the feature matrix, please see:
What is Print2eDoc SDK?
Gnostice Print2eDoc SDK is a programming interface that enables developers to
programmatically control Gnostice Print2eDoc Application to perform all the
tasks related to creation of electronic documents through it. Print2eDoc SDK
provides options to make Print2eDoc Application run in silent mode, set and
manage Document Creation Profiles, control the Microsoft Office Add-ins and to
do virtually all of what can be achieved through the graphical end-user
The SDK includes a Deployment Kit, for painless and silent deployment of the
necessary files to the target system, and a Profiles Configuration utility, for
customization of deployments.
For the feature matrix, please see:
Gnostice Print2eDoc SDK is part of the Annual Subscriptions. For more
information on the Annual Subscriptions, please visit:
The Gnostice Team
Gnostice Information Technologies